Rerelease of the fuck the rest of them t-shirt
The first time I released this shirt was in summer 2019. MLK was one of the people who paved the way in the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which abolished the Jim Crow laws. We were no longer seen as "coloured people" but citizens on paper. He held mass peaceful protests and boycotts in order to break racial barriers. It is rumoured that police officers would start conflict at the peaceful protests to start riots which would have a bad reflection on him. 60 years down the line on paper we are seen as equal but day to day behaviour, jobs and institutionalised racism tells us otherwise. Year after year black people are asking for the same thing. Racist behaviour is embedded in the older generation and it is very unlikely that it will change. Now this behaviour is being infiltrated from generation to generation. I ask for my generation to educate yourselves. Google is literally out best friends. I chose the phrase " fuck the rest of them" as it means if you are not going to do anything about it, fuck you cause I'm still going to fight. A wise man once said "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" I think it's time that we stop being silent and raise your voices.
Black Lives Matter Too